David “Duke” Duquette: Acoustic Guitar/Lead Vocals - started playing guitar at age 14 and got into his first rock band at 16 then played in bands all through high school, college, and grad school. A highlight in his musical experience was when his group Spice was the house band at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach, NH in the summer of 1970. The band opened for a number of nationally known bands…including Chicago. As a result, Duke had the opportunity to meet and chat with the members of Chicago, most notably Guitarist/Vocalist Terry Kath and found him to be a very interesting guy. 

After a period of time, Duke decided to continue with his academic career. He left Spice to enroll in a graduate program in Philosophy, first at Rensselear Polytechic Institute in Troy, NY and subsequently at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS. After getting his Ph.D. in 1985, he acquired a faculty position at St. Norbert College and headed to De Pere WI. While at SNC, he put together a trio of fellow faculty musicians called the Norbertones that played occasional gigs on campus. 

Duke retired from St. Norbert in January 2018 after 33 years as a faculty member. He then found his way into the music scene in the Green Bay area, getting to meet a number of musicians while going to the open jams at the Blue Opus, and playing some impromptu gigs here and there. He eventually got connected to Alive Again, largely through a recommendation by trombonist Bill Hill. He is thrilled to be a part of Alive Again and feels privileged to be able to play and sing with such talented musicians--and in particular to be able to perform some Terry Kath songs for which he has great fondness.